3D-Printed Microwave Components, Assembly and Interconnects
The electromagnetic properties of passive microwave components are mainly determined by the spatial field distribution, material parameters and surface profiles. The LHFT utilizes numerical 3D field simulators and concepts from innovative additive manufacturing technologies to develop the optimal shaping of passive microwave components like waveguides, mode transducers, antennae, etc. With the new design and geometrical freedom respectively, completely new components become implementable. Current research includes characterization of printable dielectrics and nano particle inks as well as the impact from surface imperfections and substitution technologies for conventional planar interconnects, i.e. PCBs. This basic research is the base for a technology change in the field of microwave assembly and interconnects.
Dr.-Ing. Gerald Gold, Akad. Rat
- Telefon: +49 9131 85-23165
- E-Mail: gerald.gold@fau.de