Hahn, Leonhard

Leonhard Hahn, M. Sc.

Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT)

Room: Raum 05.231
Cauerstraße 9
91058 Erlangen


  • B.Eng. in Mechatronics from 10/2016 to 04/2020
  • M.Sc. in Mechatronics from 04/2020 to 06/2022
  • Doctoral Candidate at LHFT since August 2022

Research Areas

  • Super-Regenerative radar concepts for THz applications
  • Dielectric mmWave components
  • Additive manufactured onChip-antennas and interconnects


Feel free to contact me if you are interested in any of the topics mentioned above.


  • L. Hahn, T. Bader, C. Carlowitz, M. Vossiek and G. Gold, "Tight Non-Radiating Bends of 3D-Printed Dielectric Image Lines Based on Electromagnetic Bandgap Mirrors", in Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON), Clearwater, Mai, 2024.
    DOI: 10.1109/WAMICON60123.2024.10522856
  • L. Hahn, M. Vossiek and C. Carlowitz, "A Subharmonic Super-Regenerative FMCW Radar With Improved Intermodulation Efficiency for Applications Beyond Cut-Off Frequency", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, pp. 1-15, Oktober, 2023.
    DOI: 10.1109/TMTT.2023.3316305
  • L. Hahn, M. Vossiek and C. Carlowitz, "A Low-Power, Subharmonic Super-Regenerative Receiver toward a Massive Multichannel FMCW Radar Close to Cut-Off Frequency", in Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, pp. 513-516, San Diego, CA, 2023.
    DOI: 10.1109/IMS37964.2023.10188187