Ehrngruber, Michael

Michael Ehrngruber, M. Sc.

Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Institute of Microwaves and Photonics (LHFT)

Room: Raum 01.039
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 7
91052 Erlangen


  • M. Romeis, M. Ehrngruber and D. Drummer, "Laser-Sintering of Cyclic Olefine Copolymer for Low Dielectric Loss Applications", Polymers, vol. 16, no. 12, Juni, 2024.
    DOI: 10.3390/polym16121751
  • M. Ankenbrand, D. Panusch, D. Utsch, K. Banea, M. Ehrngruber, G. Gold, K. Helmreich and J. Franke, "Generation of RF Structures on Additively Manufactured Substrates by Printed Electronics and Laser Structuring", in Proceedings of the Proceedings of the SMTA Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium 2023, pp. 115-120, Kauai, Januar, 2023.
  • M. Ehrngruber, S. Neermann and G. Gold, "A Transmission Method for Conductivity Extraction of Printed Silver Ink", in Proceedings of the IEEE, Mailand, 2022.
    DOI: 10.23919/eumc54642.2022.9924366